Consecutively, the headquarters of the Hôtel du Gouverneur and its administration have been consecutively implanted on a site along the chaussée de Bruxelles. Only a little part of the land has storefront on the location of the former ”château Naveau”.
The latter had been discretely installed in a haven of greenery but hidden behind high and austere walls. The search for a strong signal, witness of the presence of the new institutions in town, has guided the disposition of the building along the chaussée.


  • Wavre - Brabant Wallon
  • Bâtiment public - Bureaux
  • 2.000 m²
  • Mission complète d’architecture Gros oeuvre - finitions - abords Coordination techniques spéciales
  • 1998 - 2000
  • 3.000.000 €
  • Christian Berger – Associé en Charge

  • Architectures en Brabant Wallon - Tome 2 - A. Norman et B. / Moritz / Publication de la Province du Brabant Wallon / Constructif n° 39 - 1/2002 / Architrave- 11/2007